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Finalsan Glyphosate alternative with Sprayer Background
Conventional herbicides are incredibly effective. They are also highly toxic to humans, animals, and the microorganisms that make soil healthy. The most common non-selective (kills all types of plants) herbicide is glyphosate, the active ingredient in Round Up. FiNALSAN is a highly effective, non-persistent, all natural,  incredibly efficient, OMRI listed weed killer.
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Fiesta selective lawn weed killer on Grass Background
Rocky Mountain Bio Ag is proud to be one of the leading purveyors of Fiesta selective lawn weed killer in the country. We stand behind Fiesta as the best alternative to harmful selective herbicides like 2,4-D because it is safe, effective, and uses a natural mechanism to kill unwanted plants. Most importantly, Fiesta does not have a detrimental impact on people, pets, or beneficial soil microbes
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Humic Substances Chemical Makeup
Granular Humic Acids from Rocky Mountain Bio Ag is a processed humic substances blend sourced from a lignite deposit in the American Southwest.  The source is noted to be naturally high in fulvic acids as compared to other lignite sources due to repeated natural oxidization of the material through geological and climatic conditions
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