Do you want low-maintenance landscaping? Microclover is a hybrid miniature version of the Dutch White Clover and was originally created in Denmark and the Netherlands as a ground cover for golf courses. Although these clovers were once popular in household lawns, the use of toxic herbicides targeting broadleaf plants eliminated their existence.
Microclover is an excellent choice for spring lawn renovations, landscapes, and container gardening. It offers a lush and low-maintenance option that many farmers have chosen as a cover crop in hemp fields, orchards, and more.
This type of clover requires between four and six hours of sunlight daily and was created with leaves roughly one-third the size of traditional varieties, low height, and a style that won’t grow in clumps. The growth pattern of microclover prevents it from looking like a weed for a lush, even, beautiful green lawn.
You can use microclover as a 2-5% lawn mix or standalone ground cover. In addition to creating a beautiful green lawn, microclover supplies a continuous supply of nitrogen and helps suppress weeds and control erosion thanks to its deep roots.
- Requires roughly 25% less water than conventional lawns for areas prone to drought
- Blends well with grasses and doesn’t overtake grass when planted together
- Tolerates regular mowing but requires less frequent cutting than traditional lawns
- Deep roots help control erosion and suppress weeds
- Provides a continuous nitrogen supply
- More tolerant of traffic
- Resistant to disease
- Conventionally bred non-GMO
- Hardy to Zone 3
When planting seeds it is a good idea to know the temperature and moisture of your soils! Grab a VeeGee Soil Thermometer and a Reotemp Soil Moisture Meter for the best chance at success with your new planting!
The best time to plant is when there is abundant moisture in the forecast and outside temps are 60 to 75 degrees Fahrenheit and soil temperatures are between 50 and 65 degrees Fahrenheit. If you plant with soil temperatures much less than 50 degrees Fahrenheit the seeds will lay dormant and not germinate.
Seeding Rates:
Container / Potted Plant - 1/2 Tablespoon / 1 Square Foot (12" x 12") Surface Area
Garden / Raised Beds - 2-4 Pounds / 1,000 Square Feet
Overseeding Lawn - 1 Pounds / 1,000 Square Feet
Seeding Lawn / Groundcover - 2-4 Pounds / 1,000 Square Feet
Need to know your square footage? Click Here
Seeding Depth - 1/4 Inch
When to Plant - Spring & Fall