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Vegetable garden plants
Your plant’s needs and your soil’s health will determine the different percentages of nitrogen, phosphorous, and potassium you choose for your fertilizer. In that regard, a fertilizer “reading” never changes—but your soil’s needs might have changed between growing seasons.
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aphids on stem
Aphid treatment is crucial because they multiply quickly—in fact, many generations are birthed during one season. However, because they move more slowly than other insects, finding an effective aphid control method for your growing spaces and diligently enacting it before they reproduce will help keep them in check.
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Healthy flower garden with balanced soil pH

The typical players in plant health are water, soil, and sunlight. Everyone learns that in elementary school and it’s the basic formula for having a successful plant. However, under the surface, there are hundreds of critical factors that influence plant growth and garden health. 

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