Finding or Updating Eco-Friendly Rentals

By Guest Author: Lisa Walker of Neighborhood Sprout 

These days, people of all ages are starting to think a lot more about what they can do to save our planet and become more sustainable. The good thing is that there are many smaller things that you can do every day to make a big difference, and you can get a good start by finding a rental property that already has sustainable products installed or by making changes to become more energy-efficient. Here at Rocky Mountain BioAg®, we love to do our part for yourselves and our pets, so we have great tips for how you can live an eco-friendly life in your rental home, apartment, or condo.

  1. Use smart appliances
  2. Reduce water waste
  3. Cut down on energy use
  4. Choose a convenient location
  5. Find a sustainable mover

Look for Smart Appliances 

Man using smart thermostat

While many of us want to be more eco-friendly, it can be easy to forget to turn off appliances or utilities, so smart appliances can help to reduce unneeded waste. So, if you are considering a rental, look for appliances like a smart thermostat which will automatically change the temperature at your home when the weather changes outside and when you are out of the house. In the kitchen, a smart refrigerator and dishwasher will use less energy and water.

Reducing Water Waste 

Speaking of water, protecting our most valuable resource should be the number one priority of any renter. There are many modifications that can be made to a home to greatly limit water waste, including installing low-flow faucets and shower heads. The plumbing in an apartment should also be inspected regularly because even a small leak in a pipe or dripping faucet can waste massive amounts of water. 

Cut Down on Energy Use 

Solar panels on house

It is important to always think about how much energy and electricity you are using every day because not only will keeping televisions and light fixtures on all day create a high utility bill, but the process of creating electricity creates many greenhouse gasses that are dangerous for the environment.

When it comes to saving electricity, there are many little things you can do to make a difference, including turning off electronics when they are not in use and avoiding the use of light fixtures when you can use natural light from the sun. A great way to use the power of the sun is to install solar panels on the roof. If you are a renter, you may not have a lot of control over the ability to install solar panels, so look for a rental that already has them installed.

Location Matters, Too

While helpful technology will do wonders, the location of the rental property can also help you to contribute to a healthy environment. If possible, choose a place that is close to your job or the local grocery stores so you can spend less time in the car and more time walking or riding your bike, which produces zero pollution. You can prevent even more waste and save money on food by finding a property where you can grow your own garden filled with delicious fruit and vegetables.

Be Smart About Moving

Moving truck with furniture and boxes

Once you have found an eco-friendly apartment, it is time to move, but you need to be smart in that regard as well. To start, look for moving companies that pride themselves on being sustainable which then can do with recyclable moving boxes and trucks that don’t waste unnecessary gas. 

You should be smart when looking for a moving company, especially if you have a lot of large items. When researching furniture movers, be sure to check out several companies and search online for customer reviews so you can get a real idea of how the company conducts itself. Then, contact the movers and ask for price quotes and find a business that will fit all of your needs. 

In the end, it takes all of us to save the environment, so do your part by finding an eco-friendly rental and you will feel good knowing you are making a difference. If you want to learn more about being environmentally friendly, contact Rocky Mountain BioAg®.

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